Tuesday, October 28, 2008


"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll back and realize they were big things"

Something as little as a smile and a hello to a stranger can make a difference in someones life. I always try to smile and say hello to people when I walk past them because you never know how much of a positive impact that may have on someones day. You can know a person and they may seem like the happiest person in the world to you....yet in their world they are ready to give up. It goes back to....never judge a book by it's cover. I have an aquaintance who has made some alterations to her physical appearance and she looks absolutely great after losing over a hundred pounds. Yet when I look at her eyes there's so much sadness behind them. Although she's a beautiful person inside and out she has low self esteem and even though she's worked hard at losing the weight...she is still unhappy. Unhappy because her marriage is over, unhappy because of she still feels as if she'd unpretty on the outside. It saddens me because I just wish that she could see herself the same way that I see her. Many times we become so obsessed with the way society thinks we should look that we too get wrapped up in trying to fit in...even as adults. Everything that glimmers doesn't shine. So I leave you with this: If someone says hello....say hello back. If some smiles at you....smile back. You never know what difference you will have made in someone's life.

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