So many things we take for granted in life. We take those that we love for granted. So many times we always assume that those close are always going to be there. For some reason today I am missing those that I love and care about. Those who were once here but have now crossed over to the other side. Today I miss my grandfather whom I was very close to. Who was one of the most positive and influential male figures in my life. I admired and adored my grandfather because he was such a hard working man and I truly looked up to him. Even though he's been gone 11yrs now....that still doesn't stop me from missing him everyday. I miss Uncle Dave who has only been gone for about 4 months now. I miss his smile, his jokes and his heart warming loving personality. He would always tell me "baby girl you can do anything you put your mind can do it." Uncle Dave those words will always stay in my mind. He would say I'm proud of the beautiful woman that you have grown up to be. That will always and forever put a smile on my face.
People are brought in and out of our lives for a reason and sometimes only for a season. No matter how positive or negative the individual may have been in your life....they still had an impact on it. Life is full of so many big surprises and a lot of them beyond our own control. Sometimes I question myself about certain things I have done or may be doing in the present. Yet I know that everything I've gone through, am going through and will go through....will continue to shape and mold me into the woman that I am and will continue to become.
Life is full of many different obstacles and challenges that sometimes await us at our doorstep when we leave our home everyday. I find myself thankful for the good times and the bad times because in the end I see that I am still here……and I am here for a reason. I have a purpose…we all do! As long as I have breath in my body I will continue to be a positive role model in someone’s life. I will be all that I can be! I will continue to help those in need any way I can. I will continue to be a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, a lover, a best friend, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, an encourager, a strengthener, a motivator, a mentor and someone that will always be there whenever you need me.